Archive | November, 2012


13 Nov

I woke up thinking it was Sunday, it’s Monday.

I’m killing myself with sugar. I stopped drinking three years ago and replaced alcohol with sugar.

When I got sick, I gained 10 pounds a year from 1997 to 2007. I got the money for Lapband, and lost about half of it. But over the last year or so, I put it all back on plus. Since, I have figured out that Lapband works long-term for people who are not addicts. I am an addict.

Almighty Creator, who had the grace to create me with the ability to learn, help me learn–through meditation, study and experience– the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can and
the wisdom to know the difference. My daily mantra.

Mostly it has to do with other people and how I react to them. When I can accept someone for who they are and base my expectations of them on that, it makes for serenity. And with serenity comes the ability to deal with people without anger or frustration. So easy to say, but so difficult to live by.

I still find it amazing how much news time is being spent on the General Petraeus story. One bit I heard today actually discussed how differently the story would be handled by the French.

That’s it for today.

Cornerstones: Serenity, Courage, Wisdom


11 Nov

As I sit here watching TV, I am amazed by the Sunday night news. It is basically a gossip session. The lead story was about Gen. Petraeus, and who knew what when. Who cares? We have lost the services of an extraordinary man, because he’s an Alpha. And women go for Alphas. And Alphas can’t keep it in their pants.

Simple human basic instinct that for some reason we, as a culture, continue to pretend doesn’t exist.

Mostly monogamy didn’t work when we only lived to be 30 years old. Now there’s no chance in hell, except in very extraordinary cases.

And 60 Minutes where the middle story was about the lack of qualified workers to fill 3 million jobs in America.

Also, I just love the Big Bang Theory! It makes me laugh!

On the FMS front, today has been better. And I hope tomorrow I’m awake, aware and have enough energy to do at least a few productive things.

Cornerstones: Serenity, Courage, Wisdom


11 Nov

This is my first post by email. I am using my iPhone to dictate it. Technology is beyond amazing.

I have been dorking around trying to figure out how to use the online features of the Garland public library. It’s a challenge. I don’t know how people get things to work. And obviously technology is beyond amazing.

Bye for now

Cornerstones: Serenity, Courage, Wisdom

Entering the world of blogging

11 Nov

So I want to keep a journal.  Really I just want a place to rant when I feel bad, preach when I feel like I can save the world, be honest in what I write.

To start, today is the first day I’ve been up in over a week.  I was diagnosed with severe fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue back in 1999.  It has made life a challenge.

The instructions to this thing say I can post by email.  Going to try that using my iPhone, because I can dictate to it.

bye for now